Existing Theories in Physics Might Lead to Real Time Travel in Future

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Time travel have been the idea humankind interesting in for century. Since the ancient time, fairy tale about, time travel has always been relevant. From the Hindu epic, King Revaita accepts an invitation to Brahmas place, when he returns to earth, he finds many century have passed. The story of fisherman name Urashima Taro, having saved a sea turtle, he gets invited to the sea-kingdom; when he return home he became a centuries old man although he just stay there for 2 week. Later, the concept of travel to the past is a more recent invention. In the late eighteenth century, the Time Machine – masterpiece of H.G. Wells – have been public and is the first book to propose an actual device that can be used to travel back and forth in time. If we can travel in time, then there are so many possibilities for human kind. We can access to the technology of the future and improve our life. But time travel only exist in the sci-fi movie, right? There is no way we can do it in real life. What if I tell you that we can? Maybe not now but in 20 or 30 years, we can make a time machine based on todays theories.

If you when to travel in time, first you must understand the meaning of it. Although we use the word time all the time in our daily life, but we never can understand the full meaning of time. Time in our head normally is just a set of point in the day/night circle for us to easier set up our schedule. Which is measured by a clock. The concept of time is deeper than we thought. According to Wikipedia: Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. That mean time is not something that is already pre-arranged but a thing that we made. That also mean that we are controlling the future by our choice and the past is the result of our choice.

Since when we born, we had always thinking that we are living in a 3D dimension ( from a particular point in space, the basic directions in which we can move are up/down, left/right, and forward/backward). But in some theories, we had always been living in 4D dimension which we have no awareness of the 4th dimension (in this case is Time). The thing is object in the lower dimension only can see a small part of object in higher dimension. That why we only can see a man in a practically age. Just. We also cant imagine what the 4rd dimension look like, we just feel it and we travel forward it without we are knowing it. Like we are getting older and things get aged. We always consider getting older is the one-way thing. But just like we can move around in our 3D dimension, We probably can also travel in time road

Well in theory, that is possible. But our current technology still has a far way to go in order to make that become truth. One of the most relevant theory is based on Albert Einstein general relativity. Which consider our universe is a flat surface and that surface is bend by gravity. Because the surface is bend just like in real life,everything around it will be fall right into it. Which is a perfect match with the Newton theory. But the general relativity is more extend and can be the base theory for time traveling.

Imagine you have two flat surfaces which now contact at all. An ant on one surface cant go to the other surface. But if u have a stick between two of them, the ant may can go to the other surface. That is just like time traveling. You too have two flat surface which never connect which is the past dimension and the present dimension. Now if you need to go to the past you will need a connection this case a portal. So how can we create this portal.

Maybe wormhole is the portal we had always been looking for. Every space around us have something in it. Even the space  which is the least solid thing in the universe have something in it, like the big bang dust or floating matter. So, what if we create something that made of nothing? First, its seemed to be dumb and illogically. But the more we know about the matter the more it become logically. Normally we cant make nothing. Simple the physic doesnt allow us to do that. Just pretend that we made a space of nothing, there will continuity appear from nowhere two particles with opposing electrolysis then disappear right the moment it appears. So, its mean we cant make something out of nothing, not because its illogical, but because it cant (with our current technology). But if we can separate two particles, we can really make a gate connect all time and space  which its calls Wormhole. What make a wormhole so special? one of the most fascinating aspects of wormholes is their apparent ease in generating closed time-like curves (CTC). A CTC allows time travel, in the sense that an observer that travels on a trajectory in spacetime along this curve, may return to an event before his departure. This fact apparently violates causality, so that time travel and the associated paradoxes must be treated with great caution. The idea is to create a time shift between both mouths. When a moth in relative motion with respect to the other or one is placed in a strong gravitational field. This will make time to relevant different around two mouth of the wormhole. Due to the Lorentz time contraction, when you travel with high velocity from moth A to B, the time that stick with you significantly shorter than the time interval between the 2 mouth. We will call the time that shifted is TA TB = T.

Because the time travel in wormhole is almost instant so the time that shifted when you travel is 0 – T so basically you travel back in time. Although this may cause a numerous of problems like paradox and fatal death, but its still can a key theory for time travel. Other then that we also have a theory that I would likely to named it the clock theory. The concept of time traveling through the clock experimental tests. When a clock is placed in a gravitational field, or gravitational red-shift, may be considered as a consequence of the equivalence principle. For example the clock in on the ground with the clock in space, a few hours after their synchronization, the difference can be a million of a seconds. Or a clock on the ground and the clock on the spaceship the difference can be a hour or more. So, this is the proud of time flow in gravitational field or in moment. The same thing happens to the clock that is near to the heavy object. So that mean when an object is affect by a motion vector can be drag deviation from its current time line. So, if we want to travel as far as able to the past, we need a exactly heavy object. So, this is where black hole step in the game. With its massive mass its can produce more than enough force we need. But because of the danger of Black hole this method is still not possible.

So, can we truly travel in time. Perhaps? We now may have an ideal about travel in space, but our current technology just cant make it become true. Maybe in the future we could invent a machine that create wormhole or think of some way we can survive Black hole. Our children may can travel in time and come meet us. Who know how can it go? After all, the potential of human kind is unlimited.

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