Islam and Female Oppression: History of Islamization in Pakistan and its Impact on Women

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Before I started to writing on this topic, the first thing that comes in my mind is that What is Islamization? and what is the history of Islamization? To begin with, we have to be known What is Islamization? The Islamization is the method of getting something or someone under the Islamic rules or laws is known as Islamization. Islamization applied in Pakistan under the Zias era. On July 5, 1977, when Zia-ul-Haq was took over the Chief Military Law Administer first time. He was a brave and an active pioneer leader who raised the slogan of Islam in Pakistan. And the Islamic sentiments has still been alive in Pakistan, but different governments have utilized this to their benefits.

On this essay, my focuses is on the Islam and female oppression, concept of Islamization, history of Islamization, genral Zia-ul-Haq regime, little bit about Quaid-e-Azam views, gender disparity, Islamization impact on women, women views in several nations, some political examples, honor killings, religious radicalism, legitimacy, women rights and their violation.

According to my research, overall the concept of Islamization came after the World War I. If we see Islamization in Pakistani context, the concept of Islamization came after the fall of Dhaka. And after sometimes the concept of Islamization came into terrorism in Pakistan. The political motivated people and Ulema defined Islamization have proved dangerous for Pakistan. Then the process of Islamization brought closer to Talibanization. Then after sometime it has pushed the nation and society of Pakistan to the verge of collapse. Poverty and illiteracy continue to hide behind the appearance of Islamization.

In addition, under Zias era Islamization promoted a system of education that produced millions of Talibs every year. They have been sympathizers of extremism, violence, supported religious and sectarian divides. They inform their aspects in families, neighbors, market places where the worker work, in institutions where they serve. They have been successful at creating sympathizers from within various groups of the society; sometimes in the name of Jihad and in the name of sectarian activities. The poor people of Pakistan are given little consideration even in giving donations which are preferably given to the militant organizations and Madaris on advice from the platform.

Then, if we see the history of Islamization, the history of Islam concerns the political, social, economic and developments of Islamic civilization. More than half of a billion of women in the world are Muslims. The experiences of Muslims women have the widely difference with different societies. Their attachments to Islam are a shared factor that affects their lives to give them a common identity that may serve to make their wide culture, social, and economic differences between them. But within the influence which have played a vital role to defining the social and spiritual status of women in the Islamic history are Islam’s sacred text, the Quran and the Hadith.

In addition, if I talk about the Zia-ul-Haq regime. During the General Zia-ul-Haq’s administration that Pakistan returned to Islam and tradition. By invoking Islam as a universal code of conduct. The common enemy of Muslims Zia imposed a unified character on a country full of ethnic and political conflict. This boundary of the others also served as a component for social control in Pakistan since it did not simply refer to Western nations alone, but also to those components in society that were imitating the West. In other words, this division also singled out the other inside as a target for social policy and change. Basically, when Zia took over as a Chief Military Law Director. The primary thing he tended to the nation that he announced that Islamic laws would be imposed, which consideration would be concerned towards establishing the Islamic society for which Pakistan had been made. General Zia wanted to bring the legal, social, financial and political institutions of the nation in similarity with the Islamic standards, values and traditions within the light of Quran and Sunnah, to enable the individuals of Pakistan to lead their lives concurring to Islam. Moreover, Some of the Pakistani leaders treated Islamization in different ways. For instance, Ayub Khan presented modern Islam, while Bhutto came up with his adaptation of a socialist Islam. The blame lines happened when the authority failed to get a handle on the nerve center of the issue. Although it was a think disappointment on the portion of the state to study the social beat, it was also a conscious effort on their part to introduce the Mullah form of Islam for their political gains that resulted in major destruction of the social religious texture of our society.

On the other hand, if we see the history of Islamization, the history of Islam concerns the political, social, economic and developments of Islamic civilization. More than half of a billion of women in the world are Muslims. The experiences of Muslims women have the widely difference with the different societies. Their attachments to the Islam are a shared factor that affects their lives to give them a common identity that may serve to make their wide culture, social, and economic differences between them. But within the influence which have played a vital role to defining the social and spiritual status of women in the Islamic history are Islam’s sacred text, the Quran and the Hadith. Islamization effect on women is that the condition of women in Muslim social orders, particularly in a poor nation like Pakistan, is deplorable. There are various express and certain reasons for this problem circumstance. One major reason is that the Pakistani society could be a closed, isolate and male-dominated society has allowed violation of womens rights. In Pakistan, each exertion has been made by religious fundamentalists to ruin the development of Pakistan by forcefully restricting women to their homes. As a result, women suffer a lot.

According to the research, study highlights the Islamization process in Pakistan particularly within the North West. It seeks to look at the different aspects that encouraged the development of religious extremism in Pakistan and explores how religion is utilized as an instrument to oppress womens rights. The research indicates that the way in which religious radicalism has created clashes inside Pakistani society and driven to the reinforcing of the comforting structure. Besides, the conditions of women got to be more awful. The states of mind and perception about women were negative. Within the history, women were forced to pray at home, not in the mosque. Women were ordinarily removed from most segments of social orders. And the status of women has declined rapidly. Moreover, the opportunity they had were basically cancelled. The status of Islamic women distinctive among the different Islamic nations, each one with its own view and considerations about women rights.

In addition, Islam differentiates the gender role of women who believe in Islam and those who do not believe in Islam. The Muslim males right to claim the slave women seized during military campaigns and jihad against non-believing pagans from southern Europe to Africa to India to central Asia was considered natural. Slave women could be sold without their consent; and children born to them were automatically considered Muslim under Islamic law if the father was a Muslim. The society like Pakistan, which is considered as the society within the world. Having nearly half of the population of women who are not given the gender equal status and opportunities to require portion within the national improvement. Most of the women are living within the condition of fear beneath diverse sorts of household injurious savagery faced at their homes. As the nation is helpless to destitution and financial difference so the chances of damaging savagery are high. In any case, social, ethnic and linguistic differing qualities, Pakistani women faces the violations of their rights. So, the Pakistani government is taking steps to progress the sexual orientation difference and gender gap. Distinctive NGOS are too working to advance the women folk or in other word women’s liberation. These are working their best to highlight and resolve the infringement things to courts giving assurance and protect homes to poor victimized women.

Furthermore, my next step to discuss the impact of Islamization on women. In all around the world, Pakistan is the third most exceedingly bad nation for the violations of womens right. The surveys conducted that social, tribal and religious practices destructive to women, counting corrosive assaults, child and constrained relational unions. More than 1000 women and teenage are victimized of honor murdering each year, according to Pakistan’s human rights commission. 90% of the women confront residential violence. Pakistani women and teenagers are especially inclined to acts of violence by men. Such acts can incorporate beatings, having include honor killings, where women who deviates from established social and cultural standards is got to be slaughtered, apparently to ensure the family’s honor. Most of the accidents of honor killings are women and the disciplines dispensed out to the killers are exceptionally tolerant. The practice of outline murdering of an individual suspected of an illegal contact is known as Karo Kari in Sindh and Baluchistan. In December 2004, the Government passed a bill that made Karo Kari punishable under the same corrective arrangements as kill. In 2016, Pakistan revoked the escape clause which permitted the perpetrators of honor killings to avoid discipline by looking for absolution for the crime from another family part, and hence be legitimately exculpated. Numerous cases of honor killings have been detailed against women who marry against their family’s wishes, who look for separate or who have been assaulted.

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