Modern Sports Stars As The Role Models

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The role model in the world of sports has been around since the early days of sports when they were just beginning and were then being invented. Then they were also around long before the Olympic games era had even begun or was even then thought of. So, then it was when the first type of sports had then begun to be played, that it was seen that the very first role model had then been introduced into the arenas of the world of sport. This was because the spectators who had been watching had begun to cheer for their favorite person who they had been then watching and then following in the sport they had then been playing their whole careers. Then furthermore, later it was then during the Olympic games, that the modern role model was being viewed by society had a very positive spirit, this was because they have played the sports in that era. Then on the other hand, in todays present time, the role of the modern athlete has become a very inspirational and positive figure for the many people that live in western society who have either been playing or then watching sport. So then in this essay it will then discuss how the modern sports stars are being viewed as role models on a daily basis in many of the sports that are being played around the world, it will then discuss how the role model is being viewed by society through a positive stance through a few sports such as football and Softball in that the players are viewed as role models and also than through the gaze of the social media platforms that have been showing the many different sports that are being played. The modern sports stars are role models because they have been able to strive excellence

To begin with, when it comes to the world of sports which has been constantly evolving and then growing in popularity. So then many of the sports like that of football, softball and swimming which are then becoming very popular because of the way they have been portrayed through the media. This is because these sports have had many people who play on a competition level or even at a social level, that they are becoming major role models in everyday life for many people in society in general especially that of young people. So, when a society begins to look at many of the athletes in the world of sports as being a role model, it can be viewed as a positive step for many people in society because they can then follow that person on many levels. The sports world has become very popular over the many decades, in which athletes have become role models in the sport they are playing, which they then become seen in the spotlight for the amazing talents that they have on the sporting field such as football, where the player can act the fool and not be judged for their mistakes but for their talents that they have on the field. Then as for softball, the players are the ones that are seen as the role models because of the way that they are on the diamond Then, however, it is also the media that has been giving the athlete the status of being a role model for many decades as well because sports are now becoming viewed more regularly on many media platforms such as facebook, twitter and many more other networking sites which is where the teams and also the solo start are gaining popularity for the way they are performing . So then the modern sports role models are people that have been seen as inspiring and very professional in the way that they have been carrying themselves through the best of their ability in the sporting arena of their chosen sports, in that they are continually being looked up to by people of all ages whether they are being seen as the villain or the hero of that sport in which they are playing. So then the role models are then seen as being important because it gives the people who are playing sports, someone to look up to and then aspire to be like in that sport. It also gives people a goal to achieve during their sporting careers at some stage. The role models are people who have played an important part in many lives. It could be then argued that these professional sportspeople are then just normal people enjoying the sports that they are participating in at an elite level. Then, however, when it comes to the role models status of the athletes, most people in society have then formed the opinion that the athlete has been made a role model because of the way in which their sporting actions have been reflected in many of the fans which they have, who have been following them. But then others in society argued many sports role models have lost their way and have been heading in other directions away from the sporting fields once they played in, which has then been seen in a very positive light as well. But then there are the Sports role models who have gone on to do other jobs in the world of sports like becoming coaches, and then as an assistant coach to the younger players that are coming through the ranks of the many sports. Then, however, once the athlete has become known for being a role model, there seems to be a positive energy that surrounds the athletes in that sport. But then there are many that have lost the positive energy they were given by the status of the role they were given and it turns into negative attitudes Then there are still the many young people and adults who then enjoy following the role model and then begin to then idolize the people for the professional way in which they portray themselves in their given sports. The role of the sporting hero according to Mcintosh (1979), argued that the sporting hero traditionally had been epitomizing social needs and masculine virtues and is then embodying the values which are learnt on the playing fields will then readily transfer in the everyday life. (Mcintosh,1979; Mangan, 1981; Whannel, 1995). Then, however, according to Vande Berg (1998) who also then argued that the construction of the sporting hero rejects the legacies of the past heroic ideals that had been interwoven with the contemporary reflections on the celebrity and commercial sports. In contrast with other stars of the media, sports stars embody traditional values that are held about sport, eternalized in the stories of the past, as well as functioning to provide wider construction of contemporary values and beliefs and social roles (Vande Berg,1998). Then, however, as part of the modern sports phenomenon, according to Whannel (1998) who then argued that it has long been thought that this heightened level of interest that has come about has brought with it the unfettered worship level. The idolization of the sports role model has come from many fans. Then it is certainly part of the reason that the media commentators that follow sports have been quick to judge the sport star when the star has been playing negatively because their behavior which has not then lived up to the social aspects which have then placed on the role model in which they have been criticized for in terms of the behaviors and the courage, loyalty and bravery (Whannel,1998; Lines, 2000). So then furthermore, when it comes to the status of the modern role model, it would then depend on whether they are male or female because it plays a role because the fans can then decide who they are following. It has become a saying that the pro athletes whether they like it or dont like it, have become a role model in the sports they play. Then when it comes to the talent of the role models. Its the talent that they that allows the person to feel some accomplishment but have then in the background allowing other athletes to achieve their goal. But then, on the other hand, it can be then seen that women in sport have become more of a role model than that of the men in sports. Then, however, it can also be seen that there are more young people in today society playing sports of some kind, in which they have been heard to be mimicking how the role model has played the game. Then, however, According to Fitzclarance and Hickey(1998) have suggested that even the families do provide to be early role models for children, other role models, especially in sports, provide a strong influence on children. Then, however, its the Athlete who that has been providing both the negative and positive influences which then depend on whether the behaviors which they have been shown to the public. so, then when it comes to the media, the role model which are then seen as being a good influence when it comes to the way in which the fans have then been supporting the players of the team because they can have an influence on the morale of the player. The media has also then played a major when someone becomes a sports role model is because of the many movies that have been produced have portrayed the person as being worthy. It could then be argued that the male sports stars are more often chosen to a role model than that of the female sports stars that have been more popular than that of the male athlete which is the

The modern sports role models are then seen as to be being a good thing for the morale of the whole team, in general, this is then because it can improve the self-esteem and the confidence that each member of the team. Then, however, the Role models can then be to be larger than life characters that can be seen through the eyes of the fans that have been supporting the player. Then, on the other hand, the players are being paid a large sum of money in which they have been given the opportunity to engage with the community in which they are living and the broader community.

So then, in conclusion, when it comes to the modern day stars that are being seen as role models are important of everyday life because they can help build the confidence and morale of the players that are coming through the ranks of the clubs and they can also then help with the personal goals that they have then achieved. So then as the many sports seasons come and go there will always be the modern sports models that will be coming through because they have shown that they can achieve the goals in which they have set. It also then means that they are the leaders in the sports that they are playing and have then taken the time to archive what the clubs want them to archive throughout their sporting careers. some of the modern sports people

Reference List

  1. Fitzclarence, L. and Hickey, C. (2001) Real footballers dont eat quiche: old narratives in new times. Men and Masculinities. Vol. 4 (2), 118  139.
  2. Whannel, G. (1995) Sports stars, youth and morality in the print media, in McFee, G., Murphy, W. and Whannel, G. (eds.) Leisure: Cultures, Values and Lifestyles, LSA Publication No. 54, Leisure Studies Association, Brighton, pp. 121136.
  3. Vande Berg, L. R. (1998) The Sports Hero meets Mediated Celebrityhood, in Wenner, L. (ed.) Media Sport , Routledge, London, pp. 134153.

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