Napoleons Domestic Reforms Post-French Revolution

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Napoleon Bonaparte also recognized as Napoleon l, lived from 1769 to 1821, was a French emperor and leader who succeeded in conquering most parts of Europe during the 19th century. In the period between 1789-1799, Napoleon rose through various ranks within the military (Van der Burg, 2021). In a 1799 coup détat, Napoleon I seized power, and later in 1804, he crowned himself as the emperor (Bratu, n.d). While in power, there were various reforms that he initiated and were conducted under his authoritarian rule. He instituted the use of the metric system in the banks that he established in France. He introduced the Napoleon Code that guaranteed equality to the male individuals within France. Some of his reforms were based on clearing off Debts, granting the people of France more rights, and making an agreement with the catholic church. Therefore, to reconcile with the people of France, after his coup détat, Napoleon sought to initiate religious, economic, educational, and judicial reforms that aimed to solve various problems that directly influenced his subjects.

Religious Reforms

Napoleon came into a peace agreement with the catholic church where he entered a Concordat with Pope Pius VII. At the time Napoleon got into power, there existed religious dissensions, to gain hold of power, he had to gain support from various people including the religious leaders. Napoleon knew the influence religion had on the political level, therefore, he had to initiate some changes that would fully acknowledge and benefit religious matters. As per Napoleons decision, no one, including its government was to interfere with the matters of the Catholic church. This was because, before the reform, there existed anti-clerical measures that led to the drifting away from the Catholic church. Apart from the creation of an understanding of the existence of economic inequality in the French society, Napoleon sought religion because of the dire need for active support from the Catholic church.

Concordat agreement of 1801 that Napoleon had with the roman catholic church contributed to the reopening of the church seminaries, and allowance for public worshipping. In addition, Napoleons government accepted the replacement of the revolutionary calendar with the Christian calendar. Napoleon granted the same civil rights to all Christian denominations including the atheists, the Jews, the protestants, and the Catholics. After the agreement, activities such as the sale and the confiscation of the church property were renounced by Pope. The French government was involved in the catholic church in various ways that include the power to depose and nominate bishops.

Economic Reforms

Napoleon created balanced budgeting in France through the introduction of an effective and efficient tax collection system. In the 1780s the French taxation system collapsed and the issue was one of the major reasons that led to the French revolution (Scott, 2022). Before the revolution, the existing taxation regime was unfair, excessive, and inefficient. The taxation method was unfavourable, especially the direct tax that was collected by the tax farmers who were considered to be corrupt and greedy. The involved liability in taxation varied greatly, as there were goods that were levied at a higher price in various parts of Paris than in the South of France. In addition, the nobility and some individuals considered to be the clergy were exempted. It was thus clear that the taxation regime needed to be reformed and when Napoleon came to power, he instituted a taxation system that was modern and efficient. As an intellect, he worked at a feverish speed, and at the start of 1800, was able to solve the chaotic financial system and borrow funds to clear short-term needs (Gursoy, 2019). He also instituted an indirect system through which the taxed revenue reached the elites. The introduced system ensured the possibility of long-term financing due to the guaranteed steady flow of revenue.

Additionally, Napoleon ensured that the bank of France was revived to serve as the national bank. This was to achieve his plan of economically reforming the state of France and it could serve to ensure there was an increased rate of employment. Reviving the bank also ensured confidence in fostering the nations economic growth after the strong recession that took place during the period of revolution (Sahay, 2020). The revived institution was charged with the notes that were given to the bearer on sight, in return for the trade bills discounted. The paper money was secure and there were no counterfeiters who could easily forge them. Through the initiated banking system, the citizens were likely to invest in the government due to the available secure source of income.

Mercantilism is an economic practice that could facilitate the building of wealth that could result in a powerful state. As a way of encouraging business and industry in France, Napoleon revived the practices of mercantilism (Yepremyan, 2021). This practice was to lead to the accumulation of gold and silver, as the government of France sought to ensure that amount of goods exported was to be higher compared to imports. This was among the reforms that led to the stimulation of the economy of the nation, there were increased rates of employment, and food was readily available at low prices.

Creation of an independent peasantry that was to serve as the backbone of the economy of the French people, gains to both the social, political, and economic sectors. Through eradication of the land feudal system, Napoleons government made sure that the peasants could keep their land. Additionally, through his government, he ensured that because of the existence of the Concordat, the peasants no longer had to issue tithes in the church.

Educational Reforms

The educational reform of Napoleon government were based on the public education system that was under state control. Napoleon and the revolution of the French each had a huge impact on the development of the system of education within France. In the period before the French revolution, the idea of a universal education system had not been incorporated for every individual within France to get enlightened (Sahay, 2020). In the 17th century, various catholic clergy for instance cardinal Richelieu advocated that a system that allows everyone to get an education for which they deem fit should be put in place (Scott, 1828). The cardinals Idea was not incorporated during that era due to the fact that the existing civilization could not support the adoption, but rather such a system required a drastic purgation of a period of revolution.

The period of revolution made it easy for the initiation of a proper universal education by Napoleon due to various reasons; during the revolutionary period, the leaders who were involved in the advocacy for the education system were mostly of the Catholic church. Most of the clergy who proposed the advancement in the education system were also supported by the members of the noble group who also advocated for an improved system of education. The clergy and the noble group who fought for a proper education system considered lack of education to be associated with various problems that range from the parents rights, the economic needs, and the prerogatives and the duties of the state. Frances great revolutionaries were in a position to change peoples attitude towards education except for the women who were not recommended to be educated. During the era of revolution, education reforms were proposed but little was initiated due to the external and internal turmoil. These educational reforms later were utilized by Napoleon.

The centralization of the national government boosted the existed system of education in various ways, major initiation is the introduction of private education acted as a greater motivating factor. When Napoleon came into power, there were weak central schools, and there was a shortage of qualified students and teachers as well (Doyle, 2018). In addition, lack of updates to the school curriculum, and there existed very few courses that seemed invaluable to various schooling individuals. This means that an individual graduating from the central school was not qualified or had not met the required standards due to inadequacy in the curriculum. All these problems that existed in the central schools were a confirmation that the system had failed and had not lived up to its expectations.

Napoleon, therefore, came up with reforms to improve the entire schooling system, especially improving the middle-class level, by increasing its size. Doing this was one of his ways of achieving his agender of making France the greatest nation in Europe. Since the revolution and the period, before it had created a great foundation for the education system, Napoleon had to begin from the level of modification of the existing curriculum. To Napoleon, educating women was important even though he considered their form of education to be different from that of the boys (Scott, 1828). It is therefore clear that his perception of the girlchild was different from the period during and before the French revolution. To Napoleon, he coordinated with the church to enable the girls to learn domestic skills and the ways in which they could attract husbands.

The education reform Napoleon was based on public schooling and specialized in the second level where he modified it in a manner that was helpful to the boy child. Higher education and secondary recognition as lycees were a way of ensuring that the men of France were prepared for servicing the nation (Scott, 1828). Napoleons educational reforms were great ways of transforming the future of France, generations with a great number of great thinkers. The major purpose of the education system was to introduce a generation of groups of elites who were fit to lead the nation and its military. Additionally, the system was meant to elevate the middle-class level and to enhance non-revolution, Napoleon was also concerned with patriotism, therefore ensuring that teachings on patriotism were incorporated into the school curricula for the good of the nation.

Additionally, it was in the era of Napoleon that Imperial University was developed. Because of this development, the state took control and was responsible for the elementary system of education for the citizens of France. The Napoleon reforms also benefited the teachers as they were assured salary and were considered to act disciplined and have an appropriate dressing code while on duty. The introduction of the imperial university also had some other advantages to the social life of the people of France in that, it promoted the leaning of the catholic doctrines, and the institution also promoted fidelity to the imperial monarchy and the emperor. In addition, all the schools or learning institutions under the imperial university were to recognize the dynasty of Napoleon, promoting unity and liberal ideas among the French people. Lastly, the institution that was brought into existence by Napoleon was also concerned with the promotion and teaching of obedience to religion.

Judicial Reforms

Through the Napoleonic code, the French legal system was overhauled by Napoleon. The legal system that existed before the revolution was not uniform, different laws existed as compared to the era of Napoleon. Laws that were put in place in 1804 by Napoleon guaranteed religious toleration, civil equality, and equality of inheritance and pushed for trial by jury (Suthisamphat, 2018). The reforms that were made in accordance with the code were as per the ideas that were laid down in the French revolution. The code that was completed in 1801 was published three years later, during its drafting process (Suthisamphat, 2018). This 1804 code was a significant judicial reform that stressed clearly accessible and written law. Napoleon also commission other codes that were applicable in codifying the commerce and criminal laws. The codes that were put forward by the Napoleon government were praised for their clarity, they were majorly applicable throughout Europe.

The codes contributed to the end of the feudal system and the serfs were also liberated. Even though the code guaranteed equality before the law and civil liberty the women were excluded from the concept of equality, they were not viewed to be the same as men. Additionally, the codes ensured or promoted the states characters that were considered secular. Napoleonic code superseded the conflict between the protest by judges who were concerned with the views and the privileges of their social class and the royal legislative power. The conflict led to a negative view of the judicial system and the judges by the revolutionaries. The codes that were put in place needed interpretation therefore there was a large judicial body that came into existence.

In French law, the rule of binding precedent never existed instead court decisions were guaranteed to become less or more equivalents to the case law that existed. It should therefore be noted that after the institutionalization of the Napoleonic code, because of its high conservative and centralized nature, it encompasses liberal ideas, rights to property, and the freedom of conscience (Small, 2022). The law was patriarchal, with women having little rights and playing conventional duties. Political dissent was harshly suppressed.

Public Works

Napoleon carried out some reforms in public works that include, improvements in road connectivity, fortification, and the enlargement of the harbors like the Toulon, he also facilitated the construction and the building of canals and bridges. After ascending to power in 1804 he had the aim of transforming the existing state of Paris to meet the capital that could rivals major big cities of the world at that time, for instance, ancient Rome (Bratu, n.d). A huge amount of funds was invested in aid of the project. Napoleon also ensured that older buildings were improved and where necessary new ones were built to help in various purposes that contribute to the benefit of the people of France. In order for facilitating the movement of the people as well as transportation of resources in and out of the towns within Paris. Additionally, he built a new street that was wide and originated from Rue de Rivoli that began from the place de la Concorde through to Place des Pyramides, this road was meant to improve the circulation of traffic (da Costa Meyer, 2022). Napoleon also had to improve the lighting system of the city and adopt a road system of right-hand drive. Additionally, he had a strategy of ensuring it is a continuous flow and distribution of water within France, especially in Paris. He came up with the water pumps that were modified in a special manner, the water could therefore be pumped from the canal de IOurcq straight to Paris where he constructed several fountains.

Napoleon removed the cemeteries from within the city to other locations outside the city walls, he did this to create more space for expansion. He demolished several buildings within the city to improve air circulation within the city, some of the houses that he brought down were located at Pont Saint-Marcel and Seine. He was also concerned about the food situation in Paris, he took precautions to ensure that the people never went hungry and therefore constructed large and modern storerooms and granaries. In addition, he ensured that eight markets that were covered were constructed, he brought up six slaughterhouses, a market where only wine and wheat market.

To make Paris his memorial place, he built several buildings with almost the same architectural designs that the French people could use for his remembrance of his contributions and accomplishments to the nation. For instance, in honor of Grande Armee, he built The Vendôme Column (da Costa Meyer, 2022). Additionally, he also restored several buildings that to date are being used as churches, a good instance is a Notre-Dame cathedral, a building that was restored in 1801 (Philpotts, 2019). Out of Napoleons accomplishments and plans that he never got to accomplish; it is indeed true that Paris owes huge credit to Napoleon I for his accomplishments.

In conclusion, it is clear that Napoleon Bonaparte contributed greatly to the people of France, and evidence of his achievements is still in existence to date. Napoleon incorporates various reforms in the French society that ranges from judicial, economical, public works, educational, religious, and economic reforms. He engaged himself in various reforms as a means of creating a bond with the people of France right after the coup to gain support from various individuals. Some of the religious reforms that he settled for was to make peace with the catholic church, with this he wanted to gain support from the religious leaders. In addition, he came up with the economic reforms to ensure there was no tax oppression of the French people as it used to be during the revolution and the period before that. He also ensured that through the introduction or reviving of the national bank of France, he would stabilize the economic system of France. He believed in education for the continuous development of intelligence that could contribute to a future proper leadership system. Through the judicial reforms, he introduced the Napoleonic code that favored his regime and as well led to the equality of the French people.


Bratu, D. (n.d).Napoleon: Soldier, Organizer and Legislator. IssnL 26683938, 237.

da Costa Meyer, E. (2022). Dividing Paris: Urban Renewal and Social Inequality, 18521870. Princeton University Press.

Doyle, A. M. (2018). The Development of Education in France from 1789 to 1870. In Social Equality in Education (pp. 63-91). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Gursoy, B. (2019). The Eagles Rise: Napoleon Bonapartes First Campaign and the Birth of Napoleonic Warfare. Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History, 9(1), 17-32.

Philpotts, T. (2019). Dickens, Haussmann, and the Transformation of Paris. Nineteenth-Century Prose, 46(1), 97-124.

Sahay, M. A. (2020). The French Revolution-Causes, Significance and Impact. Editorial Board, 9(10).

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Scott, W. (1828). The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French: With a preliminary view of the French Revolution (Vol. 1). J. & B. Williams publishers.

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Suthisamphat, P. (2018). Napoleon Bonaparte and the Origins of Modern Europe: Napoleonic Reforms in the Grande Armée and the Rhineland. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 7(6), 30-35.

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Yepremyan, T. (2021). Napoleonic paradigm of european integration: theory and history. Napoleonica. LaRevue, 39(1), 35-53.

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