Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

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Human beings encounter different challenges, conflicts, and differences that make it impossible for them to achieve their objectives. The presence of such problems will affect relations, activities, and social goals. In any given organization, disagreements will affect employees morale and eventually result in poor performance. These issues explain why a negotiation is a powerful tool or process for addressing human challenges. All involved parties will consider various measures or theories to ensure that every conflict resolution strategy succeeds. This paper gives a detailed discussion that revolves around this statement: Negotiators who frame a conflict as winner takes all will have a harder time than those who believe everyone can win.

Agreement with the Statement

My answer to the presented question is yes. The major approaches for resolving problems and conflicts include defeating, accommodating, avoiding, compromising, and collaborating (Corvette, 2014). Each of these methods is characterized by specific attributes and aspects that those involved in the process should take seriously. Negotiators who want to achieve their aims can consider the importance of a collaborative style. Such a model is essential since it makes it possible for decision-makers and participants to promote trust and cooperation. Since the initiative is aimed at addressing a specific problem, the collaborative strategy will focus on the unique expectations and needs of the parties (Gan, 2017). This means that every person is ready to be part of the process, offer the right incentives, and be ready to promote the most appropriate solution. This approach will create a desirable environment for all participants and ensure that every negotiator does not encounter numerous obstacles. The involvement of all parties will make it easier for such professionals to identify the main source of the targeted problem and outline the best solutions.

On the other hand, negotiators who frame a conflict as winner takes all will tend to prefer a competing resolution strategy. This model is usually associated with novice managers who do not have adequate experience. Throughout the process, such stakeholders will encounter numerous predicaments since the targeted parties will mainly focus on their unique expectations. They will be forced to consider a distributive style of negotiation since no future cooperation is anticipated (Sayg1l1, 2017). If the process fails, those in charge will be unable to mobilize the right resources in an attempt to record positive outcomes. The absence of collaboration and the desire to focus on personal objectives will trigger additional divisions. These gaps or issues have the potential to disorient or prolong the entire process (Corvette, 2014). Without the realization of mutual gains, chances are high that the negotiator will encounter diverse challenges and fail to satisfy the needs and expectations of all parties.

The application of an effective strategy throughout the negotiation process is the best strategy for streamlining the process. Sayg1l1 (2017) indicates that an adversarial or competitive style tends to be fixed in nature. The interpretation is that only one party will get a bigger share while the other one earns very little or none. The result is that the process will not fulfill the needs of different stakeholders. These issues explain why an integrative or cooperative model is appropriate to accommodate the needs and expectations of all individuals. Such a strategy will create a positive environment for overcoming emerging challenges, promoting cohesion, and improving the speed of resolution. Gan (2017) encourages negotiators to embrace a participative or collaborative negotiation framework since it has higher chances of minimizing bias and self-centeredness. The person in charge will not concentrate on his or her position since the needs of the two parties are what matters the most (Zarei, Hassannejad, & Ganjouei, 2016). From this analysis, it is agreeable that negotiators who frame a conflict as winner takes all will have a harder time than those who believe everyone can win.

Ways People Can Benefit from Conflict Resolution

People experience diverse challenges and obstacles that make it impossible for them to pursue or achieve their goals. When conflicts occur, most of the affected individuals take long before associating or interacting again. This occurrence makes it impossible for them to engage in various activities that can promote economic development and the realization of personal goals (Tremblay, 2016). Fortunately, different theorists and scholars have presented diverse models for tackling challenges and improving human cooperation. This means that effective conflict resolution is capable of delivering various benefits to people. Two of such gains or advantages are presented in the discussion below.

Firstly, human beings are required to socialize and live in communities with shared values, moral guidelines, and structures. For instance, every region or village is characterized by different homes, clans, tribes, or religions. Since people tend to have diverse expectations, philosophies, and ethical principles in life, chances are high that specific obstacles will occur when they are interacting with one another. In any family setting, members can develop diverse or conflicting opinions that can trigger disagreements. This occurrence will result in poor relationships and even affect the ability to achieve personal objectives. With the power of conflict resolution, human beings can identify and solve most of the issues they face in their lives (Zarei et al., 2016). They will find a reason to engage each other and promote positive relationships. The establishment of better associations will make it easier for more people to pursue their common goals, address identified differences, and eventually emerge successfully. This analysis explains why there is a need for all community members to pursue the concept of conflict resolution (Samsonovich, Kitsantas, OBrien, & De Jong, 2015). The outcome is that they will be in a position to establish positive relationships and eventually make their societies much better. Countries, regions, or communities that take this issue seriously will achieve their potential much faster.

Secondly, conflict resolution is beneficial because it makes it possible for all parties facing challenges and differences to promote fairness. Maggetti and Trein (2019) argue that human disagreements have always been associated with injustice and oppression of the poor or the less fortunate in society. Some individuals who are wealthy or have adequate financial resources tend to take advantage of their poor counterparts whenever conflicts emerge. They can bribe or collude with authorities to ensure that a distributive model is adopted to solve the targeted problem. Fortunately, the ability to implement the idea of conflict resolution successfully will create a scenario whereby people fairly treat their counterparts. If both parties understand this critical aspect of negotiation, they will remain sympathetic and consider their neighbors demands. In a true negotiation informed by the principles of ethics and justice, each side or party will have something to offer and eventually emerge successful (Graesser, Kuo, & Liao, 2017). They will remain open and honest throughout the process. This model will ensure that all procedures and processes aimed at tackling challenges in the fields of business and human relations are pursued effectively.

The above critical benefits explain why human beings should be ready to take the idea of conflict resolution to the next level. The most important action plan is to improve personal skills in an attempt to address problems and promote equality for all. Parties facing specific conflicts should select the best negotiators in their teams to get sustainable solutions. The establishment of a perfect environment for the process is also critical (Roy & Roth, 2018). Throughout the period, all individuals involved should understand that the best thing is to ensure that harmony and cooperation prevail. These practices will minimize most of the challenges many communities continue to encounter. People should also become good listeners to implement sustainable and effective problem-solving initiatives.


The above discussion has identified conflict resolution as an evidence-based practice for tackling human differences and improving relationships. When a negotiator considers or employs a collaborative approach, chances are high that he or she will encounter minimal obstacles throughout the period. This means that positive results will be recorded that can support the needs of the parties involved. The consideration of a proper conflict resolution model will create the best environment for fostering or promoting desirable human relations. The model will also ensure that fairness is promoted and becomes the guiding principle for all interactions and problem-solving processes.


Corvette, B. A. B. (2014). Conflict management: A practical guide to developing negotiation strategies. Essex, UK: Pearson Education Limited.

Gan, I. (2017). Advancing a distributive-bargaining and integrative-negotiation integral system: A values-based negotiation model (VBM). Social Sciences, 6(4), 115-129. Web.

Graesser, A., Kuo, B., & Liao, C. (2017). Complex problem-solving assessments of collaborative problem-solving. Journal of Intelligence, 5(2), 10-23. Web.

Maggetti, M., & Trein, P. (2019). Multilevel governance and problemsolving: Towards a dynamic theory of multilevel policymaking? Public Administration, 97(2), 355-369. Web.

Roy, S., & Roth, D. (2018). Mapping to declarative knowledge for word problem-solving. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 6, 159-172.

Samsonovich, A. V., Kitsantas, A., OBrien, E., & De Jong, K. A. (2015). Cognitive processes in preparation for problem solving. Procedia Computer Science, 71, 235-247. Web.

Sayg1l1, S. (2017). Examining the problem solving skills and the strategies used by high school students in solving non-routine problems. E-International Journal of Educational Research, 8(2), 91-114.

Tremblay, J. (2016). From principles negotiation to interest-based bargaining. Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 4(2), 71-79. Web.

Zarei, A., Hassannejad, M., & Ganjouei, F. A. (2016). Explaining the role of negotiation skills in conflict management among physical education experts. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 1, 1893-1903.

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