Reflections on Whether Globalization Is Diluting Musical Individuality of a Culture Using the Example of K-Pop

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Just like society, music will experience evolution. Said evolution may manifest itself through factors such as the ability for the world to be globally connected. Through this inevitable evolution and connectivity, the loss of cultural meaning may be a consequential factor for some genres of music, however, this may not reign true for all genres. The possibility for redefinition or emphasis of cultural facets within music is still achievable. Pop music is generalized category which includes music that adheres to the parameter of acquiring mass popularity through appreciation of urban culture (Britannica, 2019). The pop genre almost acts as an umbrella term for any songs derived from any genre of music that are generally well-received on all ends, furthermore, becoming a part of mainstream pop culture. Commercially recorded music within the pop genre is normally globally mass marketed as the best-selling titles are more or less occupied by means of the pop genre (New World Encyclopedia, 2012). In order to further analyze the global affect upon the pop genre, which is so widespread, the examination upon one facet of pop music is required, this facet being Korean pop or K-pop. The volatile nature of music genres, such as pop, remaining true to their originating culture on a global scale can be identified and discussed through means of communications across and within other cultures while also taking into account the effect of concepts in which concern culture as a whole.

Literature Review

Globalization is a process in which describes the interconnectedness between nations as a result of increased trade and cultural exchange (BBC, 2019). Acts of global communications, such as the widespread nature of music across global nations, is directly impacted by the concept of globalization. The process of globalization inevitably leads to the exposure to differing cultures. Views on globalization as a positive or negative aspect of global society differ based on personal opinion, due to the homogeny it may cause.

Cultural convergence is a concept that may exist between global cultures as a result of globalization. Popularization of Korean pop amongst mainstream audiences is a preeminent example of cultural convergence as a result of globalization. Despite South Korean origins, which are still prevalent within this musical facet, identification of aspects of Western culture have shown to be an influence for K-pop, specifically through the use of partly sung English language. This could further be examined as the overall Americanization of Korean pop music.

As globalization becomes a process that is actively more accessible and simpler for all global nations to achieve, it is no wonder that global media flows are a consequential result. With global media flows being described as a one-way flow the eventual Americanization of Korean pop culture would seem inevitable to an unknowing mind, however this generic one-way flow may not remain consistent with that of Korean pop culture. ‘The one-way flow was seen as a new form of imperialism, going beyond economic and political domination, into the cultural realm, a threat to annihilate indigenous culture and local cultural industries, through a process of Americanization’ (Lordache, Audenhove, Loisen, 2019). The annihilation of a culture because of the assumed homogenization as cultures converge, is not always the accurate occurrence. In some instances, for example Korean culture and American culture, a contra-media flow can exist (Caminiti, 2014). These contra-media flows are those characterized by the two-way nature of a global flow between two nations. For example, Americans have unlimited access to Korean pop music and vice versa. With the absence of Americanization through these two-way global media flows, homogenization of Korean pop music through influence of American culture is virtually impossible. ‘The transnational Korean media and it’s active streams to the USA have seemingly increased its potency as new ethnic media’ (Ju, Lee, 2015). The introduction of new ethnic media refers to forms of media that are not Westernized and do not conform to Western culture, but instead form a hybridization of each culture. Western artists and K-pop artists have collaborated in order to cultural converge their art form of music. BTS, a popular Korean boy band have recently collaborated with Western rapper Nicki Minaj to create the song IDOL. BTS is the only Korean pop band to have found themselves occupying a place on the Billboard top charts, this particular song, however claimed No.1 spot while also remaining present on the top charts list for fifty-two weeks, consecutively (Mcintyre, 2019). The ability to remain on a hit list produced and maintained by that of Western culture is a phenomenal act of cultural convergence as a result of globalization and two-way global media flows.

Cultural hybridization, is the fusion of cultural elements with another culture through the modification, of said element, to suit cultural norms. Cultural hybridization in this sense takes form in the adaption of linguistics in order to suit a particular global culture, i.e., America. In 2017, Korean pop was measured in order to determine if American individuals believed that K-pop was popular. The results ruled that 60.4% of those surveyed believed that K-pop was indeed popular in their nation. BTS, the Korean pop boy band, is particularly popular in America, due to this Western success the introduction of English prose has been combined with their originating language within their songs. English mixing in Korean popular music (K-pop) is prevalent and heterogeneous in its forms and functions. The size of a mixed English constituent in K-pop lyrics varies from a single word to an entire song (Lee, 2004). This linguistic adaptation within Korean pop music is also to represent the use of the English language as a discourse of resistance for south Korean youth (Lee, 2004). Self-identity is a common reason as to why K-pop is so popular amongst youth universally, the use of English language allows South Korean youth to embrace a separate identity characterized with this resistance and subversive attitude. As well as in Korean pop music, the English language has rooted itself into youth culture throughout South Korea, this notion can be identified as cultural hybridity. In American society, the Korean Convention, also known as KCON, is an annual event that began in South California which brings the biggest bands in the K-pop universe in one place for devoted fans (Rolling Stones, 2018). The establishment of a convention which has remained consistently popular since the inception, is a prime example of how the Korean culture, stemming from Korean pop music, has managed to establish itself within American culture, thus proving cultural hybridization through the art form of music.


The discussion of whether globalization and global communication causes the dilution of cultural means and practices and the opinion formed from extensive research may differ depending on ones overall mindset towards this topic. Korean pop music has emulsified itself as a commercial sub-genre of pop music throughout Western culture. Through research, Korean pop has been culturally hybridized in order to adhere to Western cultural norms. Even though cultural hybridity is a factor, the Korean culture has not been diluted by Americanization or have shown signs of losing overall meaning as a culture. In fact, Korean pop is more or less thriving in modern Western societies, being one of the most popular commercial genres available. Despite popularity, it may be beneficial to further development upon this research to decipher whether the proud and patriotic individuals of certain parts of American culture are for or against cultural hybridity and global communications. With Korean pop music culture being so influential upon American society, development upon a different perspective may be warranted. Research into this particular topic has been notable in proving that despite the ease of globalization, homogenization of cultures isnt always the main consequence.


As society progresses, so will everything that comes with society. Evolution is rather inevitable and globalization is a necessary facet of the world that more or less allows the world to economically go round while also forming global media flows and communication. Without exposure to differing cultures how will a nation be able to knowledgeably thrive? Music is a universal language that can be understood despite any barriers created by language differences. Every global culture has their own identity within the music industry and that identity is hard to break down and homogenize. The pop genre acts as an umbrella term for all commercialized music that has grown in popularity, despite cultural differences. For those individuals against the process of globalization, it comes as a recommendation to view the effects of globalization from a differing perspective in order to understand the positive nature of this particular process. The meaning of a culture will never be lost in translation at the hands of global media flows, the outspread of cultural means is a beneficial act amongst society. Without further exposure to cultural aspects, such as Korean pop, cultural hybridity will be merely a myth and knowledge gained from aforementioned exposure will be the only thing lost.


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