The Cold Wars Effects on Modern Day Wars and Relations

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Throughout history, there have been multiple causes of war and volatile relationships between countries. One of the most prevalent causes of war being communism. Starting in 1945 and coming to an end in 1991 the Cold War made its presence known. Threats of missiles and war were constant on not only government officials minds but rather all citizens whos homelands were involved in the conflict between the United States and its allies against Eastern European Countries The most well known being Russia. Although the Cold War came to an end in 1991 with the fall of the soviet union the repercussions are still continuous in the present, leaving America and close allies relations with past communist countries still unstable and affecting wars today.The Cold War began in the year of 1945 and officially ended in the year of 1991. However, before the United States and Russia began to form an unstable relationship with one another the  Bolshevik Revolution took place.

The Bolshevik revolution took place on October 25, 1917, due to the Tsar or ruler of Russia, Tsar Nicholas the IIs, abdication to the throne. (Trani et. al) Tsar Nicholas II was inept to govern Russia and soon became a nuisance to his citizens who rioted the streets due to lack of funds for food and against his leadership skills in general. Nicholas II was greatly hated by his citizens since his reign began. This hatred and resentment towards his reign over Russia first began because of his father, Alexander the III, who was a menace to the peoples of Russia. It heightened even more due to the Khodynka tragedy and Bloody Sunday which caused many Russian citizens to perish under the watch of Nicholas the II and his soldiers. Soon after the tragedy of Blood Sunday Nicholas the II abdicated the throne, realizing he was inept to govern the powerful country of Russia.

His resignation caused the arranged government of Russia to be in charge of the country for a period of eight months but soon due to the abnormal weakness of Russia at the time the Bolsheviks took over the country with ease. (Larkin) The Bolsheviks were as socialist/communist party led by Vladimir Lenin. Vladimir Lenin soon became the head of the Russian government from the years of 1917- 1922 but suffered an untimely death by stroke in the year of 1924 leaving the infamous tyrant Joseph Stalin as the leader of Russia. (Lauber)The Bolshevik Revolution was the true cause of the Cold War and began America and Russias hostility against one another. This hostility between the two superpowers was due to the United States disagreement on communism.

The United States, as well as its Allies, felt that everyone should own their own property and goods and earn the proper amount of money that their job would provide instead of the government issuing out the same amount of money to each citizen and owning all properties and goods. This form of government left many in poverty and without enough food to provide for themselves let alone their families. Although it was tense between the two countries the Cold War never truly turned into a  hot war which is when weapons and violence are utilized against one another, but there were many other wars caused by the Cold War. These wars were called proxy wars. (Bahmueller) However, the threat of a true war was constant between the two, the Cuban Missile Crisis being the one and only true weaponry threat during the Cold War. Missiles were pointed towards the U.S. and ready for launch at any possible moment. During this time Germany was also a threat to the United States and its Allies as eastern Germany was an Allie of Russia, controlled by the soviet union.

The Iron curtain was a term used at this time indicating the separation of the soviet union and non-communist countries. Sooner than later much more than a curtain was put up between the countries. In the article A Challenge, it is stated,  A steady stream of East Berlins residents kept moving in the wealthier and politically freer West Berlin. That situation sparked more problems. Backed by the Soviet Union, the East German government constructed the Berlin Wall overnight in 1961 (Arnesen). The construction of the Berlin Wall separated The United States and its Allies from having any contact with communist Eastern Germany. This proved to be another country during the Cold War who had a complicated relationship with the United States and Allie countries due to communism.Communism soon began to spread from Eastern European countries and began to affect Asian countries as well, the most popular and well known of those being Vietnam as due to Communism the Vietnam War occurred.

Although, the Vietnam war is not truly apart of the Cold war as that was between the Soviet Union and the United States as well as their Allies the Vietnam war as well, as unstable relations with many countries in Asia, was a direct cause of the Cold War. Although the Vietnam War is the most well known the Korean war began first. This was due to Mao Zedong ,who was a leader of the communist regime, and gained control over Chinas mainland in 1949. (Bahmueller).The entrance of communism within China soon led to the Korean war which was a war between North and South Korea. North Korea, who was communist at the time, invaded South Korea who was advitley resisting to become communist.

The United Nations soon put a stop to this war but did not succeed in ending Communism within Asia. Soon the Vietnam War occurred as communism had spread even further within Asian countries. This constant spread of Communism caused the United nations to fear, with the United States president, Dwight D. Eisenhower to create the Domino theory principle. The Domino theory is the concept of one country turning to a communist government which would then influence one after another country to follow in the former countries communistic steps. Due to the fear of communism occurring in multiple other countries similar to a trail of Dominoes, one falling after the other, American troops were sent to Vietnam. Many American soldiers perished During the Vietnam war finding it difficult to fight in the immense tangled jungles of Vietnam against the Northern Vietnamese.

During the Vietnam w]War President Richard Nixon was voted into office. Nixons number one priority was to defeat the Northern Vietnamese and ended communism as a whole which would put an end to the Cold War in turn. Nixon continued to send American troops into the Vietnam war with death being a destination for many soldiers in the future. Due to the immense amount of deaths within the War America was forced to surrender and sign the Paris Peace Accord which called for a cease-fire. The northern Vietnamese soon took over defeating South Vietnam which caused South Vietnam to surrender thus ending the Vietnam War. (Lewis)In todays modern world many of the enemies that the United States and its allies had in the past still have unstable relations with the U.s today. In the present day, many of the countries that The United States have feuded with in the past have now converted to a Federal Republic government and departed with their communist pasts. However, other countries such as Vietnam and even Korea are still corrupted by the ways of communism making them an everlasting threat to the United States and Its Allies.

Present day Russia and the United States relationship is stable at best. In the year of 2008 president, Barack Obama and governmental leader of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. In managing the New old War, author Robert Legvold states,  the Obama administration enjoyed some success in lifting the U.S.  Russian relationship from its 200 nadirs, as the two sides forged the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New Start), agreed on tougher sanctions against Iran, cooperated on supply routes for Natos War in Afghanistan, and worked together to secure President Barack Obamas plan to secure nuclear materials around the world (Legvold). This seems like a promising step forward for the two countries and a start to s new and flourishing relationship for the future. However, it is still difficult for the United States as well as many other countries to accept and trust Russia as the carry and store a large nuclear arsenal that could be detonated at any moment and fired towards the United States.

Although, it is increasingly difficult to trust past tyrant countries such as Russia it seems as if currently the United States relationship with the superpower country is as stable as ever with current day President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin having a strong and understanding relationship with one another. However, Russia has recently proven to have meddled with the United States Presidential Election causing Donald Trump to win the presidential race. This news has been taken to Congress with the release of the Mueller report and may once again cause a rift between the United States and Russia.As of now relations with Asian countries such as Korea and Vietnam are still incredibly troubled with both countries still having past communist tendencies and still practicing communism as their form of Government. Koreas dictator, Kim Jong-un, a hot-headed tyrant of the present day constantly has disagreements with many non-communist countries including the United States. With his recurring tests of nuclear weapons and his inability to keep a promise of putting a stop to nuclear warfare with the U.S, he continues to be seen as untrustworthy. As of today many countries still live in fear of Korea launching nuclear missiles and begging another World War.

This is a valid example of the old War continuously affecting relations and wars present day. However, not all past communist countries are on bad terms with the United States and allies. In 1987 United States President Ronald Reagan made a speech reaching out to the leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Mikhail took Reagans words seriously and issued orders for the Berlin Wall to be bulldozed allowing family member]bers to reunite with one another and virtually tearing down a wall of communism within the country. In the article Berlin Wall, November 9, 1889, it is stated,  By the end of 1991, the wall was gone. Its destruction signaled the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era of international relations (Lusted). The destruction of the Berlin Wall proved to be the start of any relationship between the United States and Germany.

As of today the United States and Germany continue to have a stable relationship with one another, with little to no problems between the two countries. In conclusion, the Cold War was the begging of many unstable relationships with countries such as Russia, Germany, Vietnam, Korea, etc. Many of the countries stated previously still have a turbulent relationship with the United States due to the Cold War leaving many to think that the war may have never ended but has instead continued to be a Cold War and has yet to turn hot. However, countries such as Germany now have a stable relationship with the United States and allies proving to be a victory against communism and a new alliance formed. The Cold War may have never ended and nuclear weapons could be directed at the United States with one misstep but the United States and its allies have always been one of the largest superpowers within the world and continue to be. Leaving it as a force to be reckoned with for any country, especially a communist one.

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