The Online Organ Donation Management System: Analytical Essay

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The Online Organ Donation Management System (OODMS) is developed mainly for general hospitals (GH), clinics and other health centers to manage the donor registration and user maintenance. The public can retrieve information about organ donation in this web site. People who interested can register themselves through this system. The application will be processed by the administrator and each donor will receive feedback about their application status. Furthermore, the authorized user’s account will be maintained by the administrator. The donor record will be managed by four main users such as administrator, doctor, medical assistant and management staff. Only administrator has the authority and privileges to print organ list report and total donation report according to district from this system. The methodology of this system is Structured System Analysis and Design (SSADM). An analysis study has been done based on the current manual system and all the problems statements and requirements have been identified. Moreover, OODMS is three tier architecture system which involves client tier, business tier and database management tier. The interfaces for OODMS have been designed according to the requirement and needs of the current market Rather than that, this system also has been tested and evaluated in real life. This Online Organ Donation Management System will help to improve the performance of current situation and overcome the problems that arise nowadays.

In the healthcare context, organ transplantation has raised to great importance in the last years. Improvements in medical techniques and pharmacological anti-reject therapies have made transplantation a powerful and valid way to treat diseases. Thanks to this, and to the relevance that mass media put on it, the number of donors is constantly increasing all over Europe. The decision to assign an organ from a particular donor to a particular recipient is a very complex process which can be decomposed into the following activities:

  • Gather, store and manage a mandatory set of personal and medical information about each recipient and each donor (ex: blood group, weight, height, tissues characteristics, &)
  • In presence of a donor, find a group of potential recipients which are compatible with the donor with respect to the mandatory sets of information stored
  • Among the group of potential recipients, find the one that best fits with the donor. This decision is taken not just on the base of medical parameters (such as the current health state of the patient), but also on the base of logistical considerations (such as the possibility to transport the organ from the donors to the recipients hospital and the availability of medical teams to perform the operation)

The activities described above are almost entirely performed by human beings, with weak support to process large amounts of data and to coordinate with each other. The organization and storage of information in compact, re-usable ways and the introduction of software support systems in the process of matching can accelerate and simplify the assignment of organs. In this project, the organ transplantation management problem is mapped into a multiagent system. In the system, donors, hospitals representing potential recipients, information coordinators and medical experts are all represented by agents. Donor and hospital agents register to the system by revealing their information to the information coordinator agent, who is in charge of storing and 4 managing it in a private and confidential way. Donor agents offer organs, hospital agents compete among each other to get the organ they need, medical expert agents cooperate with information coordination agents to interpret information and guarantee a correct and fair allocation of the organs.

For simplicity, the logistical aspects relative to organ transportation and medical teams scheduling are not taken into account in this first realization. The focus of the project is on the operation of matchmaking. For the characteristics that it presents (agents offering a good and agents interested in getting the good), the system strongly resembles a marketplace, with the connected problems of ensuring the fair play of agents. However, most of the techniques applied to existent marketplaces to force agents to a fair behaviour involve money payment and economic fees and are not directly applicable in the case of organ transplantation management since the law bans the use of money in this field. Therefore, it is necessary to find other methods to perform payments and achieve the fairness result.

The matter of organ donation is the most sensitive as it involves dealing of a part of human body and exchanging the organ in terms of being at most need. The current existing system, that is, that simply lays down the rules and principles for the activity and lists down the hospitals that facilitates this activity in the near by region.

The Drawback of the existing system is that :

  • The given system simply lays down the data and does not act as a central body to govern the activity of organ donation.
  • Organ donation, being a sensitive matter, and wealthy get over the list of donors and get him/her bribed to lend them the organ at a good price.
  • No transactional records are being maintained to have a track on whose organ is helped to whom.
  • The organ should be assigned to a patient being more serious and in of most need and not on the basis fo first come first serve service.

There are several problems identified in current manual systems. The proposed enhancement system can prevent and overcome the existing problems. First, the public are less publicity and knowledge about the organ donation due to the unattractive web sites and promotional activities. Moreover, the current system does lacks in security. It does not provide a technical based as well as physical based security to the system and individuals, respectively.

Most of the donors registration had been done manual incurring lot of overhead and making the task to be tedious. Then they forward the process to the National Transplant Resource and keep the donor information with them as hardcopy of the statement. Moreover, after completion of process, the donor is even not aware about the actual status of work done.

Additionally, there is no single point access for communication between the donor and the administrator or management. The current developed system simply lays down the procedure and fundamentals to be carried out for donations.

There is no reporting function where the management need to be done manually about the donors need. All the analysis part has to be done by hand where the probability of making mistakes is too high.

These days the campaign for organ donation is made to turn out to be a profitable business where involvement of third party state can deal with organs from those in need of money and those who could spend money. Ultimately, making it a business for them by harming someones body which is near to what termed to be Human Trafficking.

The aim is to substitute the tasks that could be performed automatically with multi-agent systems capable of reproducing the behaviour of humans. For simplicity, as a first realization, we consider to work just on a national (Swiss) level. This will allow us not to take into account international rules and laws and will make the matching easier. The process is mainly divided into five parts:

  • Registration of recipients. Every hospital which has at least one patient in its waiting list and wants to participate to the assigning procedure has to register to the system. The registration has both the function of subscription and of information storing in the organ transplantation mechanism database.
  • Registration of donors. All the information about donors that are necessary to perform the matching must be available in the system. The registration of donor in this case has the function of submitting information to the system.
  • Automatic Matching. When a donor registers to the system, the process of matching starts. This is a delicate step in which the best matching between donor and recipient has to be found. The system is provided with mechanisms to follow, rules to respect and constraints to satisfy, all mapped from the human decision criteria. In this way the system can come up with a solution, which can be either the best recipient given the conditions imposed or a list of possible recipients to be analysed by a human medical expert.
  • Supported Decision. Organ transplantation management is a delicate problem and one can not expect to completely avoid the involvement of human beings. Even with good software tools, the solution reported after the matchmaking phase should always be checked by a medical expert who can agree and give his opinion on the choice.
  • Supported Coordination. When choosing a recipient, the logistical phase of transportation and medical teams arrangement has to be taken into account. Also in this case, software tools can come up with a solution that a human coordinator will verify before proceeding.

Objectives for proposed solution:

  1. To have a single point of access for donors, administrators or management: Both donors and management will access the application to perform different actions or transactions
  2. To secure the data in a proper way and protect from unauthorized persons: The system is secured with technology of blockchain and additional with two step verification scheme by ensuring the means to provide the right data to the right user at the right time.
  3. To provide two way communication with the donor and managers and patient: After completion of the registration process the donor as well as the patient will be timing informed about the updates happening in their case.
  4. To make record keeping in more efficient manner: The record storage of donor, patients and other users are being documented in a stable scheme making it effective towards backup history.
  5. To provide statistics detailing: The attractiveness of the system is that it will enhance the provision of maintaining a statistics of donors across the system in efficient visualising manner.

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