The Significance of Hamlet and Ophelias Love

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In William Shakespeares Hamlet, Hamlets and Ophelias love is indirectly hinted at many times through the way they talk and address each other, the way people carry themselves when around the two, and how Shakespeare himself gives indications to their past relationship. There are eight types of love according to the Greeks. Eros, Philia, Storge, Ludus, Mania, Pragma, Philautia, and Agape love. Not all of these are presented in the play, but a select few are apparent in Hamlets and Ophelias relationship. Using this knowledge we can imply more about their relationship before the play. Ophelia many times through the duration of the play is stuck in a situation where she has to choose between Hamlet or a second outside force. Though she was tested many times and at some it seemed as if her loyalty would waver, she always stuck true to her feelings for Hamlet. The more interesting question is why. I believe it is because of the love they share. Hamlet and Ophelias love could be classified into many different types and it is imperative that we understand which ones they are to better grasp the play.

One explanation for ophelias repeated loyalty to hamlet and their relationship is the classified as Pragma, or Enduring love. Pragma is a love that has existed and matured in the past and because of that previous shared bond, they will always have a connection. Though not a lot is known about the past consociations between Hamlet and Ophelia we can assume that they, at the very least, did indeed have some relations in the past. Using the idea of pragma love, it is plausible to infer that the reason for Ophelias devotion to the relationship is the possibility that the love that they shared in the past has linked them together. She may feel tied down to the relationship and hamlet himself because of the experiences and feelings they shared. Pragma love is a love that has no physical attraction. You can find pragma in married couples whove been together for a long time, or in friendships that have endured for decades. Unfortunately pragma is a type of love that is not easily found. We spend so much time and energy trying to find love and so little time in learning how to maintain it.

An important thing to understand in the play is how Hamlet feels about Ophelia. If we can grasp hamlets feelings we can conceive better assumptions about the play in general and the characters in it. Throughout the play and the events that transpire within it, Hamlet shows his affection for Ophelia in a playful way. This type of love is called Ludus, which means playful. An example of such occurrence is Act III, Scene II. Hamlet constructs a plan to find out whether or not he can trust the ghost by instructing a group of playwrights to perform a show directly related to the way that Claudius killed Hamlets father. When Hamlet sits down with Ophelia he asks&

Ham. Lady, shall I lay on your lap?

Oph. No, my lord.

Ham. I mean, my head upon your lap?

Oph. Ay, my lord.

Ham. Do you think I meant country matters?

Oph. I think nothing, my lord.

Ham. Thats a fair thought to lie between maids legs.

Oph. What is, my lord?

Ham. Nothing

Oph. You are merry , my lord.

Ham. Who, I? III.II.12-22

This is a good example of Ludus love. Hamlet teases Ophelia and appears to be in a cheerful mood. Ophelia responds calmly and respectfully, as the King, Queen , and her father were close by. Already suspicious of the reason of Hamlets madness, her receiving Hamlets humor would complicate the situation and it is likely she thought it would insert herself into the shambolic position they were in already.

There exists a theory that Hamlet showed signs of Mania love, or obsessive love. This supports the argument that Ophelia is indeed the reason for Hamlets madness. Mania love is prevalent in most modern relationships and the downfall of many alliances. Mania occurs when there is an imbalance of Eros (erotic) and Ludus love. Mania stems from low self esteem and worth. A person who is exhibiting signs of Mania, wants to love and be loved in order to find self valuation. In the play Polonius proposes to the king and queen that the reason for Hamlets madness is Ophelias rejection of his sentiments. In a room in the castle, he says&

This must not be. And then I prescripts gave her, that she should lock herself from his resort, admit no messengers, receive no tokens, which done, she took the fruits of my advice; and he, repulsed- a short tale to make- Fell into sadness, then into a fast, Thence to a watch, thence into a weakness. Thence to a lightness, and by this declension into the madness wherein now he raves and we all mourn for. II.II.20-27

When Polonius tells Ophelia, she may not accept any gifts or communicate with Hamlet, he assumes this is what the cause of his madness is. Hamlet, through the obstacles that Polonius had put between him and Ophelia, had never strayed from loving Ophelia. There being many arguments for that claim, the more regarded and credited side is that Hamlet had stuck firm with his convictions. This type of love is most closely related to Agape or selfless love. Agape is what some call spiritual love. It is an unconditional love, bigger than ourselves, a boundless compassion, an infinite empathy. An argument could be made that either one showed agape love. Hamlet and Ophelia both, through everyone trying to tear them apart, stuck through with their commitment to their love.

If one type of love was made to summarize the love and relationship that Hamlet and Ophelia share, the most convincing argument would be made for Agape. Agape is attentive and compassionate or an overwhelming desire to provide and care for someone else. Although both share agape love, it is arguable that hamlet presents it more. People with more education reported lower Agape love scores than less educated people. Men report a higher level of Agape love than women when controlling for age, education, religiosity and relationship satisfaction. It is for these reasons Hamlets love is greater than Ophelias and exhibits more prominent signs of a higher level of compassion and love.

There is a theoretical debate concerning the scene in the play when Ophelia commits suicide and what her reason was. One side states that Ophelia felt mania love and needed hamlet for her emotional dependency. When her love for hamlet was so strong and she thought that she might lose him, she reacted brashly and drowned herself. This is a convincing argument except for a key point. Some argue that Ophelia didnt feel strong enough about Hamlet to go as far as to kill herself. The other side argues that it was Hamlet killing her father and her love for him that drove her to madness and into an early grave. The most popular opinion is that it was not one singular thing, but it was all recent events mixed into making the catalyst for ophelias death.

Hamlet and Ophelias love is theorized to be many different types of love, according to the Greeks, and it is critical that we comprehend which ones they are to better make sense of the play. There exists a theory that Hamlet showed signs of Mania love, or obsessive love. This supports the argument that Ophelia is indeed the reason for Hamlets madness.One explanation for ophelias repeated loyalty to hamlet and their relationship is the classified as Pragma, or Enduring love. An important thing to understand in the play is how Hamlet feels about Ophelia. If we can grasp hamlets feelings we can conceive better assumptions about the play in general and the characters in it. If one type of love was made to summarize the love and relationship that Hamlet and Ophelia share, the most convincing argument would be made for Agape. The two share unmatched love throughout the play through everything thrown against them.

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