The Sundance Film Festival and Its Influence

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It is necessary to say that the Sundance Film Festival is one of the most known events that are focused on independent movies. The fact that it is frequently discussed all over the world should not be disregarded, and its influence can be described as tremendous. Another aspect that is worth noting is the unique approach that is used by organizers to promote the event, and some of the activities can be viewed as innovative. It is paramount to mention that one of the core reasons that has led to an establishment of this event is the fact that a tremendous interest in the states art community was present, and it was viewed as efficient from the economic perspective.

Also, it is necessary to say that many individuals believe that Robert Redford is the founder of the festival. However, it is not true, but his participation should not be overlooked, and it is evident that he was passionate about this event ever since it was established in September of 1978.1 Another aspect that is worth mentioning is that it was originally called a Utah Film Festival, and it has focused on movies that were not filmed under the control of the Hollywood system. It is paramount to mention that many individuals and organizations have been incredibly interested in this event, and tried to support it by funding.

However, it had to deal with numerous difficulties, and changes were necessary at that time. The role of Redford should not be disregarded, and his leadership was essential when he became the president of the festival in 1981. The fact that it has turned into a non-profit organization and was renamed to Sundance Institute in 1985 was also critical, and it was one of the core steps towards success. It is necessary to mention that the growth that has been shown by the festival is enormous, and it is expected that it is going to expand in the future.

Organizational Structure

The role of organizational structure should not be overlooked most of the time, and it is one of the aspects that have led to the success of the festival. It is necessary to mention that each member of the organization understands that he or she has a broad range of responsibilities that should not be overlooked. Another factor that needs to be mentioned is that organizers were able to establish an excellent team that is incredibly experienced in this industry. One of the core issues that the organization has to deal with is a need to evolve because new technologies are always being introduced, and some of them may be disruptive. The Board of Trustees is a core part of the organization and is responsible for most of the decisions.

Directors Advisory Group is also essential, and it has an enormous influence on the decision-making process most of the time. Several professionals are focused on aspects that are associated with leadership, and they are determined to make sure that no issues occur. The role of Utahs Advisory Board is also vital, and should not be overlooked. It is paramount to say that the role of seasonal staff and volunteers should not be disregarded, and it can be viewed as an excellent opportunity for every individual to gain tremendous experience. The fact that this event takes place annually should not be overlooked most of the time, and the area is vital in this case because it helps to create a unique atmosphere.


It is necessary to mention that the brand has evolved over the years. One of the most important factors that need to be discussed is that the organizers are trying to make sure that the origin of the festival is taken into account. On the other hand, the fact that it is necessary to make some changed is also acknowledged. It needs to be said that it is not an easy task to find an appropriate balance. However, the Sundance Institute has managed to ensure that the image of the festival is unique, and it can easily be recognized among others. It is necessary to mention that the way organizers are perceived is essential for the company because it affects the decision-making process of the audience. An enormous amount of resources is devoted to supporting the image of the Board of Trustees.

It is important to say that every individual is qualified and has tremendous experience in the industry. The role of the founder is especially important because he represents the whole company most of the time, and he participates in a broad range of other activities to support his image. It is necessary to say that Robert Redford is incredibly influential, and his opinions and decisions are trusted. It is paramount to say that his devotion to independent films is impressive, and he is determined to make sure that support is offered to independent filmmakers. The number of programs that have been developed by the organizers is astounding, and it has helped to create a unique image. The fact that the identity and logo of the event were changed in 2015 is also crucial because organizers wanted to make sure that simplicity is a core aspect.

It is imperative to say that the new design is incredibly flexible and can be altered depending on the needs of the company. A use of simple fonts and circles can be regarded as minimalistic, but it can be said that this is what the event is trying to achieve.2 It does not try to be pretentious, but it wants to be unique at the same time. The new design also influenced the website of the event, and circles are used to highlight particular sections. The festival is described as an event that attempts to bring together storytellers and the audiences that are adventurous on one of the pages.3 It is important to note that it is much brighter than it used to be, and it has increased the accessibility. This approach can be regarded as unique, and it is evident that the company values its crown and is determined to provide it with high-quality content.

It is necessary to mention that the materials that are available on the Internet can be regarded as an essential part of the brand of any company at this point. The role of social media also should not be overlooked, and it is evident that the organizers of the festival are using it to its full potential. For example, selfies that are taken by movie stars can be regarded as an excellent tool for promotion because it helps to create a connection with an audience. Another core aspect that should not be overlooked is that other activities such as live performances and panel discussions that are not directly connected with filmmaking can also be viewed as a core part of the brand, and they are highly valued by the audience. Overall, it is important to note that the efforts of organizers have paid off, and they were able to establish an event that is unique and incredibly influential.

Festival in the Media

The role of representation and media coverage should not be disregarded because it has an enormous influence on the perception of the audience most of the time. One of the core aspects that are worthy of a discussion is that it draws the attention of almost every single newspaper and magazine, and the number of articles that discuss various topics that are related to this event is truly astounding.

The responses to the Sundance Film Festival are supportive most of the time. It is necessary to mention that some of the film choices can be criticized, but the overall perception of the event is not affected. Another aspect that needs to be discussed is that most authors recognize the influence on the festival. It is mentioned that this event is one of the primary reasons that documentaries have gained such tremendous popularity over the last few years.4 One of the issues that are frequently highlighted by the media is that the festival is sometimes dominated by big studios, and not enough attention is devoted to independent filmmakers.5 However, organizers have tried to address this problem with such campaigns as Focus on Film. It needs to be said that it is important most of the time because such movies are what have helped to shape this event into its current state. Another essential factor that should not be disregarded is that some of the films that are shown can be quite controversial, and it draws the attention of mass media and leads to numerous discussions.

Role of the Festival

The fact that it has drawn a tremendous amount of attention to independent films should not be disregarded, and it can be viewed as an excellent platform for new directors to try their ideas without having to worry about such aspects as commercial success. It is imperative to mention that the festival has managed to develop a particular target audience that prefers this type of movie. Another core aspect that should not be disregarded is that numerous talented actors and directors have been discovered because of this event, and they have moved on to have successful careers. Also, it is necessary to say that it has an enormous impact on the industry, and it is frequently referenced in popular culture. It is necessary to mention that the fact that it has helped to draw the attention towards some of the films is critical, and many of them can be regarded as masterpieces.

It is hard to argue with the fact that the premiere of Reservoir Dogs at this event is one of the core reasons the talent of Quentin Tarantino was recognized, and numerous other examples can be listed.6 Also, it is necessary to mention that the image of the event is truly unique, and most visitors agree with the decisions that are made by the company. Organizers appreciate such aspects as innovativeness and a unique approach to filmmaking. It is imperative to note that this festival is one of the core forces that have helped to make sure that the independent scene is growing and actively developing. Another core aspect that should not be overlooked is that the tone of the festival has been altered over the last few years. The audience is much less distracted by commercials, and the event is strictly focused on movies that are thought-provoking or change the perspective on the world.7

The fact that it offers support to women filmmakers also should not be overlooked, and it is necessary to mention that most of them are incredibly talented. The issue that is worth noting is that some have to deal with several barriers, and Sundance Institute attempts to address this problem. For example, a significant percentage of movies that were shown in 2013 were directed by women, and it is expected that the situation is going to improve in the future.8 Organizers are determined to avoid any issues that are related to racism and discrimination, and the fact that they support the LGBT community is also critical. One of the most important factors that are frequently overlooked is the focus on short films. It is necessary to mention that it is so important because some of them were not taken seriously most of the time, and the festival has helped to increase their popularity.

Another aspect that needs to be discussed is that there are several categories, and each director has an opportunity to prove that his movie deserves to be shown to the public without having to worry about such aspects as budget. It is necessary to mention that every single of the events can be viewed as a unique experience that should not be missed, and it is regarded as one of the core trendsetters in the industry. Also, it is paramount to mention that it is an incredibly prestigious event, and it is evident that the content that is provided is of the highest possible quality because numerous films that were a part of the festival have managed to win Oscars and other awards. It is necessary to mention that many external and internal factors are considered during the development of programs.


In conclusion, it is paramount to say that the impact of the Sundance Film Festival should not be overlooked. It is evident that it has had an enormous influence on the industry, and it had positively affected the general public. The fact that organizers have made several mistakes over the years should not be disregarded, but the festival managed to stay consistent and high standards are also taken into account. It is necessary to mention that the expectations of the audience are incredibly high, and it is not an easy task to deal with growing demands. However, the event has enormous amounts of resources at its disposal and has developed long-term relationships with directors and audiences that can be regarded as incredibly valuable. Overall, it is hard to argue with the fact that it is one of the most influential events in the whole world, and its impact can be described as enormous.


About Sundance Film Festival. Sundance

Barnes, Brooks. Looking at the Heart of Sundance Film Festival Lineup. The New York Times, 2015. 

DiMare, Phillip. Movies in American History: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011.

Friedman, Megan. A Brief History of Sundance Film Festival. Time, 2010. 

Kososki, Maiara. Sundance Film Festival 2015 Logo by Mother Design. Branding Magazine, 2014.

Rich, Ruby. Sundance. Film Quarterly 66, no. 2 (2012): 66-73.

White, Patricia. Age Appropriate? Sundances Women Filmmakers Come Next. Film Quarterly 67, no. 2 (2013): 80-85.

Wong, Cindy. Film Festivals: Culture, People, and Power on the Global Screen. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2011.


  1. Phillip DiMare, Movies in American History: An Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011), 1098.
  2. Maiara Kososki, Sundance Film Festival 2015 Logo by Mother Design, Branding Magazine, 2014, Web.
  3. About Sundance Film Festival, Sundance, 2015, Web.
  4. Brooks Barnes, Looking at the Heart of Sundance Film Festival Lineup, The New York Times, 2015, Web.
  5. Cindy Wong, Film Festivals: Culture, People, and Power on the Global Screen (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2011), 139.
  6. Megan Friedman, A Brief History of Sundance Film Festival, Time, 2010, Web.
  7. Ruby Rich, Sundance, Film Quarterly 66, no. 2 (2012): 66.
  8. Patricia White, Age Appropriate? Sundances Women Filmmakers Come Next, Film Quarterly 67, no. 2 (2013): 80.

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