Violence and Conflict for Children and Women

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The problem of domestic violence is a relatively newly recognized social problem in the Western community  it began to be debated only in the last three to four decades of the 20th century. Domestic violence, according to platform 4 of the UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, September 1415, 1995), is recognized as an epidemic in most countries of the world (Hattery & Smith, 2016). There are certain features of psychological work with women and children who have suffered from violence. First of all, it is important for psychologists who intend to work with victims of violence to be aware of their ideas and beliefs regarding understanding the causes of violence and related problems, to develop an appropriate strategy and tactics for counseling based on recognized and well-established theories and best practices. One of such theories is the behavioral theory, aspects of which are discussed below, including in the context of the use of counseling for victims of violence.

Behavior Theory: Origin and Key Characteristics

In general, behaviorism is a direction in psychology that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, representing the theoretical basis for behavior psychotherapy. The methodological prerequisites of behaviorism were the principles of the philosophy of positivism, according to which science should describe only what is accessible to direct observation. Behavior theory is associated with the development of the ideas of Pavlov, as well as Watson, Skinner, Volpe, and Eysenck. Watson (1878-1958) was the founder of an approach to psychology that aimed to study behavior and called behaviorism (Shea, 2015). Volpe and Eysenck made the most significant contribution to the development and popularization of the area currently known as behavioral therapy and counseling. Behavioral therapy is based on the theory of learning and sees the cause of human difficulties and problems in the fact that in certain adverse environmental conditions, the subject has learned the wrong and non-adaptive forms of behavior that bring suffering to him/her and people around.

Behavioral therapists believe that problematic behavior can be unlearned using special procedures based on the laws of learning (Antony & Roemer, 2011). The goal of behavior therapy is to eliminate inappropriate behavior (for example, excessive anxiety) and to teach adaptive behavior (skills of social interaction and confident behavior). The emphasis is made not on self-understanding, but exercises and the development of certain skills. The main goals of behavioral counseling can be formulated as part of the main theories of behaviorism: eliminating deficits in behavioral repertoires; enhancing adaptive behavior; weakening or eliminating inappropriate behavior; eliminating debilitating anxiety reactions; developing the ability to relax; acquiring effective social skills; developing the ability of self-regulation.

Application in Counseling

Behavioral counseling begins with a behavioral assessment, which is carried out to determine the goals and methods of treatment. Assessment includes the collection of data that can be obtained both from the interview with a client and other sources, for example, from the clients self-observations. At the same time, progressive relaxation, which includes tension and relaxation of various muscle groups, can be either an independent treatment method or an element of more complex methods. Other types of relaxation are also used: short-term relaxation, differentiated relaxation, verbal relaxation, and mental relaxation (Farmer & Chapman, 2015). It should be noted that the use of relaxation techniques at the initial stage of counseling is important in working with victims of violence, especially such vulnerable groups of clients as children.

At the next stage, rehearsal of behavior implies the participation of a consultant in the formation and repetition of client behavior in various situations. Assertive training, or teaching to accurately convey positive and negative feelings without inhibition or aggression, is a key element in rehearsing behavior (Kabir, 2017). Reinforcement methods in this process aim to modify behavior by changing its consequences. Counseling can be seen as a process of social influence or reinforcement; ways to identify where customers find reinforcement are considered. A consultant can help clients by increasing the number of reinforcing incentives available and making these incentives more diverse. This approach is effective in treating people who are depressed due to violent experiences (Farmer & Chapman, 2015). In addition, counselors can teach clients how to manage incentives related to adaptive and inappropriate responses and use positive and negative self-reinforcement (Farmer & Chapman, 2015). This approach can be described as a direction that uses the principles of learning to help clients solve their behavioral problems. The result of behavioral analysis is the precise definition of goals, which makes it easier for consultants to choose the most appropriate methods to achieve them.

In the practice of behavioral counseling for women victims of violence, the consultant may offer the client to play a difficult conflict situation that threatens with violence that she may face in the future (Shea, 2015). Various scenarios are played with different people, to select the optimal behavioral strategy. The purpose of the technique is to test new ways of interaction that reduce the risk of violence, and, in addition, to abandon inappropriate stereotypes.

Perhaps the most typical dynamics in the development of relationships built on violence is that a man asserts his undivided power and secures the complete impotence of a woman, thus affecting critically her self-esteem. The consultant can strengthen the womans belief that she can manage her life, and it is valuable to her. It is necessary to support her at the time of making a decision and to express confidence in her ability to act effectively, to identify her strengths and positive qualities (Afdal et al., 2017). It is advisable to invite her to make a list of positive statements about herself. When she begins to underestimate herself again, it will be useful for her to re-read this list.

It should be emphasized that the definitions of behavioral counseling differ depending on whether the consultant places the emphasis mainly on the principles of learning based on classical and operant conditioning, or emphasizes the importance of cognitive change. However, the goals of behavioral counseling should be formulated so that they can be stated differently when working with various clients. In addition, the goals should be such that the degree of their achievement could be judged by external manifestations.


Social conditions, causes, and risk factors for the occurrence, the spread of the consequences of family violence, leading to a violation of the social security of the victim of violence (micro-level), family members and close associates (meso-level), and society as a whole (macro-level) can be combined into a single conceptual model with identification of direct and indirect effects on the likelihood of violence. At the same time, the provision of psychological assistance to victims of violence proceeds from the nature of the psychogenic impact of adverse environmental factors on the mechanisms of psychological response, which are significant in the formation of both behavioral stereotypes and various types of psychological and psychosomatic disorders. However, for the effective provision of psychological assistance to victims of domestic violence, the counselor must have a good understanding of the socio-psychological, personal, and behavioral characteristics of such clients. The behavior theory of counseling is based on behavioral assessments, understanding, and acceptance of the foundations of adaptive behavior by the client, and strengthening such types of behavior can be an effective tool for a systemic understanding of the situation and condition of the client and the provision of appropriate psychological assistance.


Afdal, A., Alizamar, A., Ifdil, I., Erlamsyah, E., Taufik, T. (2017). Guidance and counseling services for women victims of domestic violence. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 118, 935-939.

Antony, M., & Roemer, L. (2011). Behavior therapy. American Psychological Association.

Farmer, R. F., & Chapman, A. L. (2015). Behavioral interventions in cognitive behavior therapy: Practical guidance for putting theory into Action. American Psychological Association.

Hattery, A., & Smith, E. (2016). The social dynamics of family violence. Westview Press.

Kabir, S. (2017). Essentials of counseling. Abosar Prokashana Sangstha.

Shea, D. (2015). Cognitive behavioral approaches for counselors. SAGE Publications.

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